The artists we work with tell us that illustrating our stories is an truly inspirational journey that make them feel like they’re making a real contribution for a sustainable future.
We would love to have you join our community of illustrators! If you want to illustrate a story or have any questions about the process feel free to e-mail us at
Our illustrations are colourful, creative and imaginative. We feature two kind of illustrations. You could make a full illustration featuring the person in the story as well as a complete background setting that illuminate the story, like this artwork of a student in Thailand striking for the climate.
Illustration by Emma McKhann
You could also make a more simple illustration of the person in the story featured on a one colour background that you choose from our colour pallet. An example of this version is this illustration of a school girl from South Africa striking for the climate.
Illustration by Emma McKhann
Our colour palette consosts of five colours. We would love it if you could include one or more of these colours in your illustration to keep a cohesive look to our profile. Feel free to make your own colour palette and add any other colours of your choice.
Please keep to a square or standing format. Our illustrations often highlight a message, so feel free to play with words inspired by the story. Colourful patternt, portraits and simple motives on a clear background are typical of the illustrations we feature.
Illustration by Tara Clayton
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